Virgin Media M350 Fibre Broadband 2025

Virgin Media M350 Download Speed Comparison vs ADSL & Superfast Fibre

Virgin Media M350 Download Speed comparison chart vs ADSL, Fibre, and Superfast fibre download speeds.

Virgin Media M350 Broadband Deals & Prices

M350 Fibre is usually priced in the £36-£39 per month price range depending on your postcode and availability.

Watching Ultra HD & 4K With Virgin Media M350 Broadband

Virgin Media M350 broadband is for customers looking for faster downloading times and large households with several devices connected to Wi-Fi. Google recommends a minimum of 20 Mbps per device for its YouTube Ultra HD (UHD) version. OfCom ranked Virgin Media as one of the Top 5 broadband providers for customer service and satisfaction. You can count on Virgin to deliver the fastest broadband speeds to your home as they offer the quickest fibre speeds from any significant broadband provider in the UK.

Virgin Media Broadband offers 108 Mbps, 213 Mbps, 362 Mbps, 516 Mbps, 630 Mbps, and 1,104 Mbps download speeds with prices starting from £27.99 per month on a 18 Month Contract and up to £35 Set Up Fee.

How Fast is M350 Ultrafast Broadband?

Virgin Hub 3 Internet Router

Fortnite is one of the most popular games online and is a massive 17.5 GB or 17,500 MB in size. Virgin Media M350 can download Fortnite in as little as six minutes and 45 seconds. Compare waiting only six minutes for the download to complete versus waiting four hours, 36 minutes (276 Minutes) with ADSL broadband.

If you don’t use the internet very often and spend most of your time just on Facebook or checking emails, you may find ultrafast fibre does not fit your needs. That is why we created this excellent broadband calculator to help you estimate how much broadband your home uses.

Compare Other Virgin Media Broadband Deals & Internet Speeds

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£14.00 Per Month for 6 Months (Then £29/Month)

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Free Set Up & Modem!